Editorials, blogs, looks of the day and even fashion itself wouldn't have the same impact if the visual power, the mere sight of a breathtaking image didn't make us evoke deep feelings, memories, wishes or expectations.
Beautiful images have the power of making our most deep desires come to the surface and make us desire even more, that's the whole point of this world we are so in love with: the seduction, the desire.They're all here to create in us an idea of the way we want to be and all the things we could achieve if only we get to be a part of that visual delight or maybe even a recreation of it.
So we keep capturing the essence of our dreams like the Avedons, the Meisels, the Kims and the Leibovitz. We play with lights, textures, garments and dreams to make a visual representation of what was there in our craziest visions.
And here are some of mine.
Zara Shoes